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Explore 4 ways to help:

Teach in

Serve as a missionary teacher

If you are a Christian and you are a teacher (or willing to be trained to be a teacher) and are willing to serve the Lord as a missionary in Africa, e-mail us and we'll answer your questions and send you a preliminary application.

Most people come to serve for either a summer, a semester or a year.

Obviously everyone who comes is coming to teach.  But we are looking for people who will see this as much more than a time to serve in the classroom.  We want people willing to spend time after school and on weekends building relationships with their students.  We want people who will use their talents and gifts to connect with their students and to contribute to life in our school community.  Whether it is being involved in sports, music, or the arts, or helping teach everything from computers to auto mechanics, our desire to do more than focus on the subject we are teaching in school.  We want to love people, we want to share the Gospel with our students and their families, we want to become members of the community where we serve.

Student with green shirt and red sweater
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Serve in America

Join a team here in North America.

Just as we depend in Africa upon volunteers to quarry stones and make bricks, so too in the United States and in Canada we have chosen to depend upon volunteers to help with the ministry of Village Schools. If you are interested in helping out, we want you to know that we are always looking for people who are willing to serve right where they live and to lend their time and talents to support the work that is going on in Africa.

We have three ways you can help us:

  1. Join a team of people producing educational materials that will be used by our teachers and missionaries in Africa.
  2. Be a part of those providing the many logistical services that Village Schools needs done in North America.
  3. Organize people at your church or school to fundraise for a project in Africa.
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Support our work financially.

For anyone who feels called to support the ministry of Village Schools financially, we ask them to prayerfully consider which aspect of the ministry they feel led to give toward -- whether that is for construction, scholarships, our college, the HIV/AIDS work, supporting a missionary or our international teams (or some other program that arises).

Regardless of what you choose, our commitment is to steward well your donation and to do everything we can to maximize its impact.  Thanks to the many people who serve as volunteers here in the US, we are able to use 100% of your donation in Africa.  No percentage of any donation is ever deducted for administration.

We pledge to use these funds as wisely and carefully as possible.

Birds eye view of buildings


Help Village Schools by praying.

For the last 18 years we have not just believed in the power of prayer, we have depended upon it. We ask for prayer for three important things: more workers, more open doors and discernment for our leaders.

In Matthew 9:37-39 Jesus tells his disciples to pray for God to ‘send workers out into the harvest field’. We have many opportunities for people willing to volunteer to go to teach and to serve in remote villages, and so we need people to pray that God will call them and send them to serve.

In Colossians 4:3-4, Paul asks people to ‘pray for open doors’.  We do as well.  Since we began this ministry in 2005 our goal every year has been to work with people in more and more villages so that we might help more students get an education and so that we might share the Gospel with more people.

In James 1:5, we are taught to ‘ask for wisdom’ and that is why we ask people to pray for the leaders of Village Schools.  They have the huge responsibility of making decisions as they guide the more than 700 people serving in Village Schools and as they lead and direct everyone's efforts.

If you, or your church, are interested in praying for the ministry of Village Schools, feel free to download the PDF below.

You may also want to sign up to receive our prayer updates that we send out with news of current events happening in Africa.

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